MRU Research & Publications

centre for research and publications

Professor Kakeembo Vincent and Dr. Mukasa Norman (2022) MRU’s Research Focus: Research and innovation for Human Holistic flourishing, Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022.
Babirye Nanteza Lucy, Lilliane Musoke Linnet and Nakato Constance Nakimuli (2022) Transitioning from blended Classroom to eLearning: Challenges faced by Lecturers and Learners during Emergency Institutional Closure. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022.
Florence Lunyolo (2022) Assessment of National Parks Contribution to Livelihoods of Park Adjacent Communities and Domestic Tourism in Uganda. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Jim Oboth (2022) Elechi Amadi’s The Great Ponds: Reconstructing Masculinity through Rhetoric of Resistance. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Umar Ahmad Kasule Mukasa (2022) Give to Caesar What Belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God (Matt 22:21): The Question of Separation of Church and State, an Islamic Juxtaposition. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Jean de Dieu, Havugimana and Norman Mukasa (2022) Factors for Compliance of Commercial Motor Cyclists with Helmet Use in Kampala.
Jim Oboth (2022) (Re)Contextualization of the Poesy of the Voiceless Subaltern in Okiya Omtatah Okoiti’s Voice of the People. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Babirye Prisca Nakaima (2022) Re-writing the Aesthetic Code of Indigenous Material Culture of Uganda through Structural Textile Design: The case of the Ganda Mat., Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Youth Livelihood Program and Employment Creation: A Critical Analysis. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Godard Busingye (2022) Work and fertility rate in Africa: A Feminist Legal Perspective. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Leonard Walusimbi, Ben Ssembajjwe, & Anthony Wamala (2022) The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Private Secondary School Teachers in Uganda: A Case of Kampala Metropolitan. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022
Daniel Makori (2022) Youth Livelihood Program and Employment Creation: A Critical Analysis. Muteesa I Royal University Journal for scientific research, Issue1ISSN 2021-2022

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